Here's the meat of a recent NTN/Buzztime press release:
Beginning today, three new premium games will be available in operator locations as part of Buzztime(TM)'s network upgrade. The three additions, each of which will be formatted with Buzztime's new 15-minute game time model, include:
Ask It Already! -- the all new multiple-choice game where the sequence is flip-flopped and answers come first.
Immortal Words -- a game about famous quotes from movies, TV, books, philosophers, authors, poets, comedians and more.
Lexitopia -- brought to you by, Lexitopia is a challenging multiple-choice word and definition game.
I didn't know that NTN/Buzztime was using a 15 minute game model for anything other than Appeteasers.
Here's a longer description for Ask It Already:
Ask It Already is Buzztime Trivia… in reverse! We’ll show you the answers first and then ask the question. It’s the same Buzztime Trivia you love -- with a twist!
Grab a Playmaker and create a Handle
Choose Buzztime Trivia from the menu on the Playmaker
You will be asked 10 questions, worth a maximum of 1,000 points a piece
There are four possible answers
Use the Playmaker to select your answer
As time counts down, so do the points, also 2 of the incorrect answers will dissapear at alloted times
You can change your answer at any time
There is no penalty for getting the answer wrong
The person with the higest local cumulative total wins the game
Your scores will be ranked across the nation as well, so check to see how you did at the end of the game on our National Leaderboard!
Immortal Words:
Admit it… you love to quote your favorite movie, TV show… even your favorite song.
We’re going to see if you really know where your favorite quotations came from.
Immortal Words will challenge your ability to identify who said what… was it a movie, TV, book, philosopher, author, poet, comedian? Nothing is off limits.
Um, NOTHING is off limits? Including this blog? If they quote from here, I may win...but I probably won't.
Lexitopia, brought to you by, will test what you really know about all of those words you haven’t seen since taking the SATs.
We’ll give you the word, you’ll tell us what it means. Sound simple? We’ll see about that!
I just checked the USA Primetime Schedule, and these games are scheduled for the following times:
Ask It Already - Tuesday 5:00 pm Pacific, Thursday 5:30 pm Pacific, Saturday 8:15 pm
Immortal Words - Thursday 6:45 pm Pacific, Friday 5:30 pm Pacific, Saturday 8:00 pm Pacific
Lexitopia - Wednesday 5:45 pm Pacific, Saturday 8:30 pm Pacific
And yes, they have a TON of 15 minute games during primetime now.
The evolution will not be televised - Bryan Adams and AllMusic
If you poke around on the Internet, you can find this odd FAQ:
*Why can't I find Bryan Adams on AllMusic? Due to the request of Mr. Adams,
we are no long...
5 years ago