Remember when I went to Tequila Hoppers in Upland on Saturday? When I wrote a wrap-up post about my visit, and about some of the recent changes to NTN Buzztime games, I neglected to mention one gigantic improvement that NTN Buzztime has launched.
First, you need to understand that I use my smartphone a lot. I read stuff on my mobile phone, I write blog posts (such as my first Saturday post) on my mobile phone, I tweet from my mobile phone...let's face it, I do a lot of stuff on my mobile phone.
But for years, if I wanted to find an NTN Buzztime location, I'd have to go to my computer, go to, and use the Site Finder.
Now there's an alternative.
During one of the games that I played (more than likely, one of the games in which Russ was beating me), the NTN Buzztime TV took advantage of a break in the game to announce that there is now an NTN Buzztime mobile site -
So I tried it.
Typing Upland's zip code (91786) into the dialog box, I got the following:
The three buttons on the right allow you to call the location, view the location's prime time game schedule, and view a map.
Frankly, the site is nice even for desktop/laptop use, but for mobile users it makes NTN Buzztime information MUCH more accessible.
For more information on the Buzztime Mobile Site Finder, go here.
The evolution will not be televised - Bryan Adams and AllMusic
If you poke around on the Internet, you can find this odd FAQ:
*Why can't I find Bryan Adams on AllMusic? Due to the request of Mr. Adams,
we are no long...
5 years ago